

7 Ways to Help Ease the Monday Morning Blues

September 08, 2014

If you’re struggling with a bad case of the Mondays, we’ve got a few tips to help you push through it with a smile.

We all know the feeling. Sunday night rolls around, and after a long, relaxing – or sometimes short and busy – weekend, we have to come to terms with the fact that the week is going to begin all over again, bright and early the next morning. But why does it have to be this way? The truth is: It doesn’t have to be. If you’re struggling with a bad case of the Mondays, we’ve got a few tips to help you push through it with a smile.

1. Jam Out. As soon as your alarm goes off, blast your favorite music. Choose an upbeat song that’s likely to put you in a good mood and that gives you a good get-up-and-go attitude. Listening to music will get your heart pumping and help you prepare to take on the day ahead.

2. Crockpot Dinners. After a long day of getting back into the habit of going to work, school, etc., it can sometimes be a little disheartening to come home and realize you still have to cook dinner when all you want to do is relax. An easy solution to this predicament is to make a crockpot meal ahead of time. Prep your ingredients on Sunday night, and throw them in the crockpot on Monday morning. When you get home, dinner will be served!

3. Monday Night Hang Out. Plan a girl’s night, get together with friends, or make Monday night a family night. The anticipation of seeing people you love will make the day go by much faster, and you’ll have a wonderful evening to look forward to.

4. Get Up Earlier. This one sounds like it completely defeats the purpose of trying to make your Monday morning more enjoyable, but bear with us. Getting up earlier allows you to wake up at a pace that’s right for you. You can sip your coffee, read a magazine, or even catch an episode of your favorite T.V. show to help put you in a good mood. And since you’ve had more time to really wake up, you’ll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed once it’s time for work.

5. Try Something New in Your Beauty Routine. A new hairstyle or a new look can make you feel good, boost your confidence, and can help get you ready to tackle the day’s work. You don’t even have to do anything major. Instead of spending an extra half an hour in the bathroom, try out a quick and easy updo or twist, or wear that new shade of lipstick you’ve been wanting to try. Make Monday the day you try new looks.

6. Breakfast Club at Work. Bring breakfast into work. Rotate bringing in doughnuts, bagels, coffee, etc. with your coworkers to give everyone something to look forward to on Monday morning.

7. Wait Until Monday to Start a New Book, T.V. Show, or Magazine. Think of how excited you’ll be to finally read that book you’ve been dying to start since last week. Watching the newest episode of your favorite show or reading the newest issue of your favorite magazine will give you yet another thing to look forward to, and it will put you in a good mood. Not to mention, reading in the morning will help wake up your brain and sharpen your mental focus throughout the day.

In short, find something to look forward to make your Mondays more enjoyable. Do you have any tricks for making it through Mondays? Share them with us on our Fort Wayne Women’sFacebook page!



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"This facility is a prototype for how all breast exam facilities should be. Atmosphere is everything. This is the first exam that didn’t hurt, probably due to the relaxing atmosphere and very friendly staff. I am thankful for the care put into this facility. Very much appreciated with gracious gratitude!"
Jean Marie Boykins


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