

How to Beat Belly Fat

May 18, 2015

Belly Fat. We all dread it. 


Belly fat can increase your risk of diabetes, heart diseas, and high blood pressure! A waist measurement of 35 inches or more in a woman can indicate an unhealthy amount of belly fat.

So, what can you do to prevent or eliminate belly fat?



Do it in bursts. Interval training has been shown to reduce stubborn belly fat. Mix up your pace with HIIT or Tabata workouts to see results.

Stand up tall. Good posture makes your stomach look flatter and you up to 10 pounds thinner.

Work your core. Do exercises that strengthen your core and back for a whittled-looking waist.

Here's a tip: Add planks to your workout!

150 minutes. the minimum amount of moderately intense activity you need every week to start losing belly fat.

200. The amount of extra calories you burn after just 2.5 minutes of intense exercise.



Hed to the tropics. Fruits like papaya and pinneapple contain enzymes that aid in digestion and debloating.

Go blue. Research has shown that blueberries may help diminish belly fat.

Make your belly happy. Yogurt's active cultures increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut, which can help you digest food better for a flatter belly.

Think MUFAs. Studies show that monounsaturated fatty acids found in foods like avocados, nuts, and olive oil may target belly fat.

Skip. Foods high in soluble fiber: oat bran, beanns, citrus.

Eat. Foods high in insoluble fiber: whole grains, almonds, carrots.



AVOID: Ditch the carbonated drinks, fatty salty foods, which make you retain more water or feel uncomfortably full.

SLOW DOWN: Eating too fast can cause you to swallow air, making you feel bloated.

DITCH THE GUM: Chewing gum can also trap air in your belly.

See what our Patients are saying

“Everyone at Breast Diagnostic Center, from the receptionist to the radiologist, is professional and caring. I appreciate the fact that the radiologist report is available as soon as the test is completed. When you have had breast cancer, followed by chemotherapy, you don't want to leave without knowing test results.”

Arlene Emrick-Coach


> North: 3707 New Vision Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46845; 260-266-8120

> Carew Street: 1818 Carew Street Suite 30, Fort Wayne, IN 46805; 260-266-8120


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