

Kitchen Tips and Tricks

July 23, 2014

Fort Wayne Women: Late getting home in time to cook dinner for a hungry family? Here are a few tips and tricks to make cooking quicker and easier.

Life can get pretty hectic at times, and we could all use some shortcuts to make things a bit more manageable for us. Luckily, there are a ton of life hacks all over the Internet to give us those shortcuts. Here are a few tips and tricks to use in the kitchen to help make cooking easier:

  • Freeze a stick of butter and grate it cold when making biscuits, scones, pies crust, etc. The butter won’t melt and you’ll be less likely to overwork it.
  • Store ice cream (still in the container) in a plastic freezer bag. This trick keeps the cold air from making your ice cream rock hard, instead leaving it soft and creamy.
  • Use unflavored and unscented dental floss to cut through soft foods. You’ll get a perfect cut without getting a crumbly mess.
  • Coat measuring cups with non-stick spray before measuring honey, molasses, peanut butter, or other sticky foods. It’ll slide right out.
  • Freeze fresh herbs in olive oil in an ice cube tray. They’ll last much longer and it’s a breeze to simply pull one out and pop it in the pan when cooking.

These are just a few of the many helpful tips there are for making cooking easier. Go to listotic.com for more tips!

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"This facility is a prototype for how all breast exam facilities should be. Atmosphere is everything. This is the first exam that didn’t hurt, probably due to the relaxing atmosphere and very friendly staff. I am thankful for the care put into this facility. Very much appreciated with gracious gratitude!"
Jean Marie Boykins


> North: 3707 New Vision Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46845; 260-266-8120

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